Online Business oppurtunities without capital in 2013

Good business is a business that starts now"
more and more kinds of online business opportunities available on the internet today. No business in the online-offline is not it, or is purely online. there is no capital, there is also the capital. some indeed reliable generating income, others just MoneyGame. therefore be careful in choosing your online business will be wrestled.

believe-not believe, all businesses need capital! even the spirit / skill-including even the capital! so if there are businesses that claim without capital, it means that no capital is not completely, but ruled out the material capital.

The following is one of the online business opportunities that I follow without capital, online business reliable bluntly
no language ad here, this is a network marketing business online, mlm online alias. Combined with network marketing affiliate. the potential of the combination of the two is able to generate passive income, massive income, or a steady income, depending on your ability. can be run either full online, offline or a combination. For full information on this business please see the article for any business online trusted profession in 2013.

This business can be claimed to be an online business opportunity without financial capital (cash money) why?
bluntly provide 2 alternatives for you to earn income,
1.Paid member
2.Free member
the only difference lies in bonuses alone.

  • if free, meaning that you are only limited by membership bluntly, so you get a bonus of bluntly. If you paid, then you will get a bonus of Goden life.
  • If you are free, it means you are pure affiliate, you must merefferensikan to get bonus. if paid, you + affiliate network marketing, you can refferensi bonus and a bonus of product sales as well, plus of your members are paid merefferensikan new members (both merefferensikan it paid / free member)
  • facilities provided for free and paid bluntly well differentiated (his SEO training, etc.)
so basically, even with free or paid without any capital become a member you can still earn money! ie from blunt itself.
so many of us share, for reliable business information online please visit 3 business online reliable , diverse online business profitable
successful greeting :)
Referensi :

Choosing a Strategic Business Area (Good)

Here are some that should be considered in choosing a location.
1. Population density
Population density is one indicator of the huge market potential of business you want to get into, although this has yet to be a final measure. You can ask the franchisor, how the total number of people or households that are in your trade area? Is that area still has room to grow? Is it already a very congested area by the location of houses or apartments and what effect it has on the franchise? How long population / population exists in the area?
2. Income
If the population density is not linear with the purchasing power of its people, then it means that the location was not right. Therefore, need to look at how income residents in your trade area. You need to know, how much the average family income in the area? What is the population of the targeted income from your efforts? Is the neighborhood near like if they offer the product from your franchise?
3. Number of businesses
Sometimes, the chosen location is the center or centers of trade. Well, if the number of businesses affect the location? What type of businesses in the area that use the product or service offered franchise?
4. Place
There are several types to choose from for your business such as shopping malls, business centers, housing, and so on roadside. You need to ask, whether the most successful franchisees are franchise locations such as at the mall, at the most crowded, in a separate section of the mall, or a stand alone building or an industrial district? Franchisor must be able to provide information about the types of this place.
5. Number of Traffic
How many vehicles passing the site per day? Are people passing by will be able to see the sign business (signpost) you? Is the location easily accessible?
6. Centers
If the location is at the mall, most of the best passing centers are in the food outlets. Sometimes, on the other side of the mall is also a place that was full of people passing by and the prices are usually much cheaper rent. Can also be located in hospitals, university or in the centers come.
7. Employee access
It could be the location of the mileage is very much to be counter-productive for your employees. Therefore, should the location is quite close, especially for your key employees.
8. Zone
If the location you choose not trade area or do not fit with your business, you should not be forced. Then, you also need to ask, if the zone is quite appropriate location for your business.
9. Competition
Consider also the level of competition in the business you want to run. If the site is already saturated with businesses that offer similar products, it may be a strategic location for you. You also need to know what is nearest competition with your business?
10. Appearance
You definitely want your business look authoritative and environment around the location does not interfere with your franchise business. Ask the franchisor, whether the area is quite clean and controlled location? Whether the environment is also good enough?
Furthermore, do not ever hesitate to ask the franchisor help you negotiate to get a strategic location and cheaper rents. Because it can be in certain cases, such efforts are needed, for example by the real estate market to capture.

The following demographic criteria in selecting the location of the top.
Top four
1. Age population to target your market.
2. Number of families
3. Income per family
4. Population

Additional criteria

1. Competition in the area or location
2. Percentage of your target population.
3. The number of men and women
4. Percentage of population by income are categorized as potential consumers
5. Number of households with income greater
6. The average family income
7. Kelurga the medium income
8. Percentage of the population educated scholar
9. Percentage of residents who work in an office
10. Population density.  

Referensi :

How to make chocolate pudding

As a teenager, I spent a year in Brazil. One afternoon, I saw my host sister stirring something on the stove. When I asked her what she was making, she said, "chocolate pudding." Pudding? I thought pudding came from a box that said Jell-O. We ate that pudding right out of the pan, and it became one of our favorite afternoon snacks.

You can make homemade chocolate pudding for less than a dollar.

Here's what you'll need:

a saucepan
a spoon to stir with
measuring cups and spoons
a dishtowel or hotpad

Optional: pudding cups or other serving dishes

Homemade chocolate pudding recipe:

2 cups whole milk
1/4 cup sugar
2 - 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (If you like it dark, add all 4)
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
generous pinch of salt

1. Pour 1/3 cup milk into your big measuring cup and set aside. Pour the rest of the milk and vanilla extract into saucepan. Heat on low heat until tiny bubbles form around the edge of the pan and vapor begins to rise off the surface of the milk. Stir occasionally, and do not let the milk boil. If you've ever wondered how to scald milk, this is it.

2. While the milk is scalding, stir the remaining dry ingredients into the reserved milk. Stir until you have an even consistency. Don't worry if the cornstarch and cocoa powder clump up at first. Just keep stirring. The cornstarch will tend to settle to the bottom of the cup, so be sure to re-stir just before you add the mixture to the scalded milk. If the mixture is too thick to stir, you can add a few more drops of milk.

3. Pour the cornstarch mixture into the scalded milk. Stir to combine, then raise the heat to medium. Stir constantly until the pudding boils, then boil for one minute. Do not stop stirring.

4. Place the pan directly into the refrigerator on top of a folded dishtowel or hotpad. Chill until the pudding reaches your desired temperature. We like it thickened, but still piping hot. If you want pre-poured individual servings, ladle hot pudding into serving dishes and chill in the dishes instead of the pan.

Tip: Add a spoonful of instant coffee for a mocha flavor or 1-2 teaspoons of orange extract for a high-end, chocolate Grand Marnier flavor. The orange extract works best if you use all 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Referensi :

10 Tips on How to Practice in Financial Accounting Business Owners

A. The importance of bookkeeping

The financial statements are very important for business owners to know the financial condition of its business. Financial statements not only as a test but is used also as a basis to determine and assess the financial position of the business. In addition to financial statement analysis and reporting functions also by related parties such as business owners, creditors in making decisions to determine planning-planning that will benefit and improve the business. So with this financial statement is very important to note. Financial statements in general is the accounting process that can be used as a communication tool between the financial data of a company or activity with the parties concerned with the data or its activities.

Financial bookkeeping process begins from the process:

1. Clarifying the process of transaction

At this stage the perpetration of a division of an organization or company transactions into particular kinds predetermined.

An example is the division of transactions into sales, purchases, cash disbursements, cash receipts and other.

2. The process of recording and summarizing

After conducting further data clarifying is taking notes. Enter transactions into the journal proper and correct sequence of events in accordance with the transaction. Sources that can be used as evidence such as receipts, bills, notes, receipts and so forth.

Once the transaction is inputted in the next journal enter the journal ledger periodically.

3. Penginterpretasikan process and report

After the second process runs, the final process is to make the conclusion of the activities or previous financial reporting.

Of financial statement information, one can find out what happened to the company, whether it is in accordance with the company's objectives and the information can be a reference or guideline for the management for decision making.
B. Tips on how to practically in the books

In a practical way important bookkeeping done by business owners, because bookkeeping is vital for the survival of a business venture.

Here are 10 tips, practical ways business owners in financial accounting:

1. Undertake preparation of cash flow projections before starting the business.

It can be used to see the prospects of the business. And also prepare capital reserves greater than the required capital assumptions in the projections The cash flow. This was done to anticipate the unexpected in your business on a business trip.

2. Recording transactions should always be done (update).

Recording transactions should always be done every kejadiaanya and one should not miss transactions to be recorded. If this is done the information about the business activities can be obtained.

3. 2 Create and prepare the books, ie books and book revenue expenditure. The easiest way to look at the financial position.

4. Do not mix with the corporate finance personal finances.

Distinction or separation including corporate accounts with account private. No matter how small your company, do not mix the mortar around the financial activities with private companies. This is done so that the financial information company describes the company's actual financial activity.

5. Each transaction must be recorded no proof.

Recording of the transaction recorded shall be accompanied by evidence of a bill, invoice, receipts and other- other. This was done as a control over the transaction records of authentic evidence. This evidence would be useful if the examination, for example in terms of tax and audit. Without proof of transaction, financial accounting is considered invalid.

6. Forms manufacture special.

It is used for ease of recording, for example, for routine expenditures using the form yellow, green income and so forth.

7. Placement of special files for each transaction.

How this is done to separate placement transaction files to make it look neat and easily in terms of search. Placement separated file include: file sales, purchases, bank proof in and out, in and out of cash evidence and others.

8. Make a list and take into account depreciation or depreciation of company assets such as buildings, vehicles, equipment and supplies company. For the sake of simplicity, depreciation expense is calculated only once a year. Depresianya rules must comply with the rules of taxation.

For example: for the method of calculation using the straight-line method.

9. Make sure each reporting period include: balance sheet, profit and loss, capital, cash flow, sales, accounts receivable, purchasing, accounts payable and inventory reports. With the making of the report, business owners can continue to monitor the development of their business every month.

10. Consultation with accountants and tax. Consult with accountants and tax if feeling inadequate in terms of the report. As it aims to assist business owners in financial statement analysis

Referensi :

10 Sikap yang benar untuk memulai bisnis sendiri

Ini ada beberapa hal, yang mungkin bisa membantu Anda untuk memikirkannya sebelum terjun langsung membuka sebuah bisnis:

1. Carilah jalan dari beberapa cara bisnis konvensional, dan cobalah. Di sini Anda tidak harus, dan memang tidak perlu langsung melakukan cara yang benar bukan? So, Business is Learning by Doing, isn’t it?

2. Jadilah orang yang kreatif, fleksibel, dan cepat tanggap terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, dengan mendapatkan informasi tentang pangsa pasar, dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang baru saja terjadi, yang sekiranya bisa mempengaruhi pangsa pasar itu.

3. Apa tujuan pribadi Anda untuk berbisnis sendiri ini? Apa yang Anda kehendaki dalam hidup? Jenis penghasilan seperti apa yang Anda inginkan? Di manakah Anda berada 5 tahun, 10 tahun mendatang? Ini semua bisa menyatakan tujuan pribadi Anda, dan ini bukan hal sepele. Anda harus memiliki dan mengetahui tujuan pribadi yang benar-benar penting bagi Anda, karena perlu Anda ketahui, bukankah bisnis itu sendiri merupakan sesuatu yang menuntut?

4. Tanyakan pada diri sendiri, apakah Anda sedang melakukan sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan? Apakah Anda bekerja dengan orang-orang yang memang Anda ingin bekerja sama untuk melakukannya? Apakah menurut Anda, kira-kira pengembalian investasi sudah bisa seperti yang diharapkan? Jika ternyata muncul perasaan tidak senang, tidak “mood”, maka bisa jadi Anda tidak akan menjadi pengusaha yang baik dan sukses.

5. Punyai ide bisnis yang disertai hasrat membara atau “passion” pribadi untuk segera memulai dan mengoperasikannya. Hasrat pribadi ini semestinya menjadi bagian dari apa yang Anda kehendaki dalam hidup. Jika tidak, jangan harap Anda bisa mengubah semua ide Anda menjadi bisnis yang sukses.

6. Lihat kembali dan pikirkan pengalaman kerja Anda. Pengalaman kerja adalah bagian dari ide bisnis. Jika Anda ingin membuka sebuah bisnis, ada baiknya jika Anda ikut program “on the job training” atau magang kerja lebih dulu di bisnis yang sekiranya Anda inginkan.

7. Harus berusaha memiliki pengetahuan dasar berbisnis, jangan ngawur atau percaya begitu saja “omongan ngawur” tokoh-tokoh bisnis yang sudah jadi milyarder…yang sering bilang, bahwa kalau mau bisnis ya jalanin aja gak perlu mikir. Saya jamin pada akhirnya, jika Anda mengikuti begitu saja “anjuran ngawur” itu, maka Anda akan benar-benar mikir belakangan, dan pusing seribu keliling, akibat bisnis Anda hancur, alias bangkrut dengan hutang melimpah. Ingat, pengetahuan dasar berbisnis ini merupakan salah satu pintu masuk untuk memulai bisnis Anda sendiri. Naluri, perasaan, ataupun intuisi bukanlah pengganti untuk pengetahuan. Jadi Anda harus mau belajar mendalami bisnis dengan ilmu pengetahuan.

8. Bertanyalah pada hati nurani Anda. Apakah Anda ingin mulai membuka bisnis baru itu karena ingin cepat menjadi kaya raya? Apakah Anda ingin cepat menjadi milyarder? Menurut saya, jika Anda ingin memulai bisnis sendiri dengan sikap seperti tersebut, maka itu bukanlah sikap yang benar. Uang memang penting, tetapi itu akan datang kemudian seperti yang Anda inginkan…setelah Anda melakukan usaha keras, tekun, pantang menyerah, dan dengan rasa hasrat membara.

9. Punyai “inner vision”, yang mengarahkan Anda untuk melakukan semuanya dengan sebaik-baiknya! Berikan sesuatu yang dibutuhkan orang. Dengan “inner vision” seperti ini, maka yakinlah Anda akan dihargai orang terus-menerus, meskipun mungkin pada awalnya Anda belum menghasilkan uang yang banyak.

10. Jika Anda sudah memiliki sikap mau melakukan semuanya dengan sebaik-baiknya, maka ini akan membentuk Anda untuk memiliki komitmen sukses, dan membuat Anda untuk terus melangkah dari keadaan sekarang, untuk menjadi lebih baik dari hari ke hari. Dan, pada gilirannya nanti, Anda akan menjadi seorang yang kaya ide, punya visi, dan sanggup menerapkan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada orang lain, bahkan orang yang mungkin Anda lihat sebagai sosok terbaik pada saat ini.

Referensi :

How to make lasagna

What You Need



1 pound dried lasagna noodles
Olive oil

Meat Sauce

1 1/4 pound (1 package) uncooked spicy pork or chicken sausage
1 pound ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
One 28-ounce can plum tomatoes, with their juice
One 12-ounce can tomato paste
One 28-ounce can tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Large pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)
2 teaspoons salt, divided

Cheese Layer

15 ounces ricotta cheese, drained
2 large eggs, beaten
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided
2 tablespoons olive oil
Small handful fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, minced
4 cups (2 packages) grated mozzarella cheese


Extra-deep 13x9-inch baking dish (should be at least 3 inches deep!)
Baking spray or olive oil for greasing the pan
Large pasta pot
Towels for noodles
Deep sauté pan OR wide saucepan
Medium bowl


1. Heat the oven to 425°F and lightly grease the baking pan with olive oil.

2. Place a large pot of water over high heat. Drizzle in a glug of olive oil and salt the water generously.

3. Bring to a boil, add the lasagna noodles, and bring back to a boil. Cook until the lasagna is al dente.

4. Drain and lay the noodles out on clean kitchen towels.

5. Place a large skillet over medium high heat.

6. Cut open the sausage casings (I like to use kitchen shears for this) and crumble the sausage. Crumble in the ground beef, and add all the meat to the skillet.

7. Cook, stirring frequently, until the beef is very well browned.

8. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and the garlic.

9. Add the chopped onion and garlic to the skillet and turn down the heat to medium. Cook, stirring frequently, for another 10 minutes.

10. Take off the heat and drain most of the fat away from the meat.

11. Place back on the heat, and add the tomato paste. Cook for a couple minutes, stirring it into the meat.

12. Crush the plum tomatoes in the can, and then add them with their juices, as well as the tomato sauce, into the meat. Stir and bring to a simmer. Simmer for at least 15 minutes, while you prepare the cheese layer. When you take the sauce off the heat, stir in 1 teaspoon of salt and some freshly ground black pepper.

13. In a medium bowl, stir together the ricotta, beaten eggs, 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese, remaining 1 teaspoon of salt, olive oil, and minced parsley in a large bowl.

14. Count your noodles. You will need four layers of noodles total. It is best to start and finish with wider layers, so if you have less than 16 noodles, put your extra noodles in the bottom or top layers. (For the purposes of this recipe, I'll assume you have 15 noodles.) Line the bottom of the prepared baking dish with 4 cooked lasagna noodles, overlapping them.

15. Spread one-third of the ricotta mixture on top.

16. Spread about one-third of the meat sauce on top of that.

17. Sprinkle with about 1 cup of grated mozzarella and top with another 3 noodles. Repeat layering the ricotta and meat sauce with the cheese. Repeat again with 3 noodles and another layer of ricotta, meat, and cheese.

18. Finish by topping the lasagna with 4 noodles — one crosswise and four lengthwise. Sprinkle any remaining mozzarella cheese on top of the noodles, as well as the remaining 1/2 cup of Parmesan. (At this point the lasagna may be covered and refrigerated for up to 48 hours. It may also be securely wrapped and frozen for up to a month.)

19. Cover loosely with aluminum foil.

20. Bake for 30 minutes.

21. Uncover and bake for an additional 10 minutes. for Let stand for 15 minutes before slicing and serving.

Referensi :

Quoted Speech and Reported Speech

A. Answer the questions beginning with " He ( she ) asked me..."

1. What time is it ?
He asked me what time it was.

2. Did you finish your assignment ?
She asked me if I had finished my assignment.

3. Have you seen my sister ?
She asked me if I had seen her sister.

4. Is what you said really true ?
She asked me if what I said was really true.

5. Who do you think will win the campions league ?
He asked me who I think would win the champions league.

B. Change the following quoted sentences into reported ones.

1. Vera said, " You should come to the seminar "
Vera said I should come to the seminar.

2. " is what I've heard true ?" said Shinta
Shinta asked me if what she had heard was true.

3. Bayu said. " come to my birthday party "
Bayu said come to his birthday party.

4. Hilda said, " I need to eat now "
Hilda said she did need to eat then.

5. " can you meet me, " irfan said, " after class ? "
Irfan asked me to meet him after class.